Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Qinghai Lake

Qinghai Lake is not only the biggest interior lake in China, but also the largest lagoon. It likes a big mirror and lie down on Qinghai-Tibet plateau which is known as the ‘world ridge’.

Qinghai Lake, in ancient time people called it West Sea because of its location. In English called blue lake. Qinghai Lake covered over 4456 square kilometers. The circumference is over 360 kilometers. The shape of it is an oval. The average depth of the water is 19m deep. The deepest place is 28 meters deep. The gross sorage capacity is as high as 105 billion stere. The elevation of the lake is 3260 meter. It is higher than most of the mountain in China. Due to the terrain is very high, the climate is always very cool. Even in summer, the average temperature of a day is just 15 degree, so it is really a desired place to avoid summer heat.

Qinghai Lake is located on north-east of Qinghai-Tibet plateau, it is a vast plateau. There are many rivers on the plateau, grass is lush and the environment is very grace. There are four mountains around Qinghai Lake. The elevations of these mountains are from 3600 to 5000 meters high.

According to the scenic spot, it is opened whole day. For adult, the ticket is 100RMB(10 pound) per person. For kids, child who is under 1.2m is free, 1.2m to 1.4m is 50RMB(5 pound) for a ticket. The ticket is valid for three days. That is to say tourists can book the tickets via phone and go to the scenic spot in three days.

Here recommend you some routes. You can go to the scenic spot via bus from Xi'ning.  You can buy the bus ticket at ChangJiang RD and XiGuanDaJia RD. In addition, Qinghai travel agency also have bus to the scenic spot. It cost you 130RMB (10 pound) per person(not including lunch and scenic spot ticket fees).  You can set out at 7:00am and go back at 10:00pm. Of course, you can rent a van. It will cost you 1200RMB (120 pound for one day including a local driver). On the way to Qinghai Lake, you will see some religious tower and some pretty mountains. The restaurant around Qinghai Lake is really good. However, the hotel condition is not good as the restaurant. Fifty minutes away from the HeiMaHe town, there is a hotel called 'Bird Island Hotel'. The hotel is specialized for the traveller so the price is really cheap. It is only 40RMB (4 pound) per person for one night. If you want a better hotel, you can call the reception desk and ask for a better room. It will cost you 168RMB(almost 17pound) per night.

For the local specialty, here recommend you a traditional breakfast in local place called 'ZengGao'. It is a kind of sweet cake which is made by sticky rice and red dates. It is a tonic food and really does well to people's body. Besides, you can also see 'Kebab' which you may familiar with. It was import from Turkey and local people made some improvement become Qinghai unique Kabab. You can have a try, it tastes really good.

Tips: Due to Qinghai Lake is in a very high altitude, remember to take sunscreen and woollen sweater. These things can protect you from the sunburn or getting a cold. Have a good journey~

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