Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Lijiang River
GuiLin Lijiang scenic spot is the biggest, the most beautiful karst area. In thousands of years, it attracted uncountable poets. Guilin scenic spot is famous for its great mountain, river and cave. Due to Guilin has too much place to visit, so in a short time, visitors had better choose its main scenic spots to visit. Among these main scenic spot, ‘one mountain(The Lijiang River), two caves(The Ludi cave& The Qixing cave) and three mountains(The Duxiu mountain, The Fubo Mountain and Diecai Mountain)’ are the elites. Here mainly introduce ‘The Lijiang River.
The Lijing River is located in the east of Guangxi Province. It is belonging to Zhujiang River system. The Lijiang River passes over 5 cities. Finally flowing into The West River. The whole length of The Lijiang River is 437 kilometers.

The best timing to Guilin is April to October. During this time, the climate in Guilin will be very good. However, tourists had better not go there at early May and October. Due to all the people in Chinese are in vocation on that time, it will  be very hard to book the hotel. In addition, the price will be raised up because of too much customers.

According to the hotel, the condition of the hotel is excellent. From two-star-hotel to five-star-hotel, non-star hotel or home style hotel. You can choose the kind you like. The service is good, you can book a room via travel agency or phone them directly. This is really convenient for normal customers. The price is also vary fair, from 50-500 RMB(5 to 50 pound) per night.

Here design a easy route for you:
Geting on a bus to Lijiang shipside, take a ship to visit the Lijiang River ‘gallery’. After the ship arrive the shore side, follow the guide continue visiting the West Street, and finally get back by the free bus. If you have more time, you can stay in Guilin and visit other scenic spot in following days. When shipping, what tourists need to know is ,firstly, sometimes in December to March, the water level of Lijiang river is very low, it may cause the ship can not shipping in the river. Secondly, when the ship leaves the shipside, it cannot stop until arrived. Finally, remember to paste sun scream because of the shining sun.

Here is some free bus lane to get to the scenic sopt (from 9:00 to 17:00)
51 – Flower&Bird Market – Northpole plaza – Fengbei RD – Central plaza – Guilin station
52 – Donghuan Parking field – Longyin RD – Sevenstar Park
53 – Bus controlling Station – West Huancheng RD – Northpole plaza
54 South Guilin station – Shanghai RD – Anxin district – Chuanshan park – Sanlidian Plaza – Gaoxin District
55 – Ping Mountain – Nanhuan RD – JingPingShan Bridge – Cheguansuo
56 – Ping Mountain – Nanhuan –Shanghai Bridge – Xiangjiang restaurant – Jiangjun RD – Bazhong RD – Ping Mountain
57 – Xifeng RD – Education center – Shaoniangong – Ximen Bridge- Nanmen Bridge – Xiangshan Park – Jiefang Bridge – Shizi Street – Art center – Xifeng RD
(All these route are free)

Finally introduce you special local product. The sweet osmanthus flower wine is the most famous special local product in Guilin province. It is a kind of sweet wine. This wine use wild grapes and local sweet osmanthus flower as raw material. Then after soaking, distilling, adjusting and filtering, the wine finished. The degree of the wine is 15°to 20°.  Once you drink it, you will smell the potpourri. If you drink it for a long time, it can help you to digest.

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