Saturday, May 5, 2012

Yellow Mountain
Yellow Mountain is located in the north of HuangShan City, AnHui Province. It is named as ‘The most peculiar mountain all over the world’. Yellow is a holy land of Taoism, so the amount that historical remains are very much.  Someone said that in ancient time, Huang emperor had made medicine here. Many poets come here to tribute the beauty of Yellow Mountain.
Yellow Mountain has 3-4 scenic districts. First one is  hot spring district. The hot spring district is one of the reception point. The average height is 650m. In addition to these hot springs, there are also many hotels for tourists to have a rest. The hot spring district is near the entrance of Yellow Mountain scenic spot. It only takes you 25 mins' walk from the entrance to the hot spring district. Also, there are many free buses can drive you there. The main scenic spot in hot spring district is ‘RenZi waterfall’. This waterfall is set between two peaks. The elevation of it is 660m. The length of the waterfall is 50m. The waterfall likes a white dragon dive from the peak. The momentum is very majestic.
The best place to appreciate the waterfall is a kiosk call ‘GuanPuLou’.
The second scenic district is called ‘North Sea’ district. North Sea is a big 
open place which is 1600m high. It covers  over 1316 hectare.  This district is the traffic hinge of the Yellow Mountain. It connects the rest four districts. So, every time you pass this district, you will always see many tourists shopping or having rest there.
The third district is called ‘White Cloud’District. It covers over 1655 hecatare. The elevation of it is 610m high. In this district, you will see many
ancient temples and bridges there. The cloud, trees, rivers and stones combine together just like going to the fairyland.
About Route:
In following introduction is to those who has never gone to Yellow mountain. Yellow Mountain is well known. But the local district names are very
chaos. Many tourists go to visit Yellow Mountain will miss the way because such complicated names. Firstly, according to those tourists who want to go to the mountain, the place you should go is ‘Yellow Mountain Scenic Spot -- TangKou’but not ‘Yellow Mountain’. Here ‘Yellow Mountain’ means Yellow Mountain City. The scenic spot is 60km away from the city. So, make sure the place you go is right. If you make the mistake like I concerned above. Do not need to worry too much, there is a scheduled bus driving between these two places in every 25 min. The ticket will cost you 16RMB per person. 

According to the accommodation, Apr.28 -- May.7 and Sept.28 -- Oct.7 will be hard to book hotel because of the international Labour Day and the National Day. In other time, if you decide to go there,please tell the travel agency or the hotel as early as possible or you may have no room to live. The hotels are divided into 4 levels. In 3 stars room cost from 640 - 1050RMB. In 4 stars  room cost from 750RMB -- 1480RMB. The standard room will cost 140RMB - 240RMB. In addition, the hotel rent the tent if you really cannot find a room. It will cost you 300RMB per tent.

The food that sold on the mountain is very expensive. So, you can buy everything you need and take it up to the mountain like cake,instant noodles, chocolate and etc. If you want to eat hot and warm lunch or dinner, there will be a restaurant on the mountain. Also, the price is very high because that all the things on the mountain is moved by porter. So, such high price is reasonable.

1:If you want to climb the mountain on foot, you had better climb it from the back of the mountain.  It will save labour.
2:If you want to live one night, here recommend you to live in North Sea District hotel.
3:Do not take too many things via climbing the mountain
4:Remember to take your coat. The temperature on the mountain is really low. Especially morning and night.
5:Do not wear  leather shoes and rubber shoes.

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