Saturday, May 5, 2012

Yellow Mountain
Yellow Mountain is located in the north of HuangShan City, AnHui Province. It is named as ‘The most peculiar mountain all over the world’. Yellow is a holy land of Taoism, so the amount that historical remains are very much.  Someone said that in ancient time, Huang emperor had made medicine here. Many poets come here to tribute the beauty of Yellow Mountain.
Yellow Mountain has 3-4 scenic districts. First one is  hot spring district. The hot spring district is one of the reception point. The average height is 650m. In addition to these hot springs, there are also many hotels for tourists to have a rest. The hot spring district is near the entrance of Yellow Mountain scenic spot. It only takes you 25 mins' walk from the entrance to the hot spring district. Also, there are many free buses can drive you there. The main scenic spot in hot spring district is ‘RenZi waterfall’. This waterfall is set between two peaks. The elevation of it is 660m. The length of the waterfall is 50m. The waterfall likes a white dragon dive from the peak. The momentum is very majestic.
The best place to appreciate the waterfall is a kiosk call ‘GuanPuLou’.
The second scenic district is called ‘North Sea’ district. North Sea is a big 
open place which is 1600m high. It covers  over 1316 hectare.  This district is the traffic hinge of the Yellow Mountain. It connects the rest four districts. So, every time you pass this district, you will always see many tourists shopping or having rest there.
The third district is called ‘White Cloud’District. It covers over 1655 hecatare. The elevation of it is 610m high. In this district, you will see many
ancient temples and bridges there. The cloud, trees, rivers and stones combine together just like going to the fairyland.
About Route:
In following introduction is to those who has never gone to Yellow mountain. Yellow Mountain is well known. But the local district names are very
chaos. Many tourists go to visit Yellow Mountain will miss the way because such complicated names. Firstly, according to those tourists who want to go to the mountain, the place you should go is ‘Yellow Mountain Scenic Spot -- TangKou’but not ‘Yellow Mountain’. Here ‘Yellow Mountain’ means Yellow Mountain City. The scenic spot is 60km away from the city. So, make sure the place you go is right. If you make the mistake like I concerned above. Do not need to worry too much, there is a scheduled bus driving between these two places in every 25 min. The ticket will cost you 16RMB per person. 

According to the accommodation, Apr.28 -- May.7 and Sept.28 -- Oct.7 will be hard to book hotel because of the international Labour Day and the National Day. In other time, if you decide to go there,please tell the travel agency or the hotel as early as possible or you may have no room to live. The hotels are divided into 4 levels. In 3 stars room cost from 640 - 1050RMB. In 4 stars  room cost from 750RMB -- 1480RMB. The standard room will cost 140RMB - 240RMB. In addition, the hotel rent the tent if you really cannot find a room. It will cost you 300RMB per tent.

The food that sold on the mountain is very expensive. So, you can buy everything you need and take it up to the mountain like cake,instant noodles, chocolate and etc. If you want to eat hot and warm lunch or dinner, there will be a restaurant on the mountain. Also, the price is very high because that all the things on the mountain is moved by porter. So, such high price is reasonable.

1:If you want to climb the mountain on foot, you had better climb it from the back of the mountain.  It will save labour.
2:If you want to live one night, here recommend you to live in North Sea District hotel.
3:Do not take too many things via climbing the mountain
4:Remember to take your coat. The temperature on the mountain is really low. Especially morning and night.
5:Do not wear  leather shoes and rubber shoes.

JiuZhaiGou is located at ZhangZha Town, Aba Autonomous Prefecture, SiChuan Province. It is the branch of White River. Due to there are several tribes near the river called JiuZhai, as a result, the river named JiuZhaiGou. The average height of JiuZhaiGou is over 2000m. The ancient forest is spread everywhere. In JiuZhaiGou, there are over 108 lakes. Someone call them ‘the world of fairy tale’. JiuZhaiGou was recorded in ‘World Heritage List’. In 8 of May,2007, JiuZhaiGou was considered as Rank 5A Scenic Spot.
JiuZhaiGou combine blue sky, white cloud, Snow Mountain and forest to waterfall and rivers. Shaped a series of views like the pearl fall from the sky. The bonfire and the roasted lamb show the enthusiasm and the ethnic customs of local people. JiuZhaiGou is really a colorful, original and amazing fairyland on earth.

International Ice Water Festival
China JiuZhaiGou International Ice Water Festival attracts many tourists travel to JiuZhaiGou. The festival starts from 18.Jan to 28. Feb. Tourists will see the snow view, ice waterfall, Tibetan house and several traditional works there. Also, during the festival time, there will be a second venue which set at DaGu glacier. The thesis is ‘Ice World and Mysterious River’. The activities content including the professional forum of Eco-tourism, the press conference of travelling, the photo contest and etc.

The Landscape in for seasons:
When spring comes, all the ice melts. As a result, the water level goes up, promote the growing of the plants. The ice on the mountain is still freezing like a fairy world. The soft sunshine illuminate the impassive river makes people very comfortable.

In summer, all the plants grow up. The wind is warm, the plants help you to keep the sunshine out. The waterweeds and fishes cross in the water. This view makes your heart smooth like water.

Autumn is the most beautiful time in JiuZhaiGou. You will see all the leaves become red. The colourful leaves invert to the river. The most pretty view which made by natural present just before your eyes.
The winter in JiuZhaiGou is very quiet. It is full of poetic. All the mountain and forest are white. Waterfall and rivers are frozen. When the sunset or sunrise coming, the ice surface reflect colourful light. Appreciating such beautiful view, tourists' hearts are also become quiet with the view.

Climate change:
Due to the average elevation of JiuZhaiGou is 1900 to 3100m high. It belongs to
highland humid climate. In spring, the temperature is between 9 - 18 degree. If you want to go to JiuZhaiGou in spring and winter, you had better take your coat. In summer and autumn, the climate is quite good. The temperature is from 19 - 22 degree. It is stable. However, the night in JiuZhaiGou is very cold. The temperature in winter is always under 0 degree. Whenever you go to JiuZhaiGou is OK, especially autumn. It is the most beautiful time to go there, winter is not bad too.

1>Bus Route:
  Route 1: ChengDu -- DuJiangYan City -- WenChuan -- Mao Town -- SongFan -- JiuZhaiGou (440km)
  Route 2: ChengDu -- WenChuan -- Li Town -- MiYaLuo -- HongYuan -- WaQie -- ChuanZhu Temple (702km)
  Route 3: BaoChen Train -- Wen Town(in GanSu Province) -- JiuZhaiGou Town(308km)
  Route 4: Zhaohua(or GuangYuan) -- Wen Town(in GanSu Province) -- JiuZhaiGou Town(308km)
  Route 5: LueYang State -- Cheng Town -- WuDu -- Wen Town -- JiuZhaiGou Town (441km)
  Route 6: LanZhou -- GanNan -- ChuanXi -- JiuZhaiGou

2>Plane Route: ChengDu -- ChuanZhu Temple -- JiuZhaiGou -- HuangLong -- ChengDu

Food Culture:
Due to most of the goods come from other cities. So, the price will be very high. So,tourists had better to not consider too much about the food. In local restaurant, you can see JiuZhai persimmon cake,sauerkraut and soba there. In addition, the ethnical food is better and more attractive like roasted whole lamb, stake and highland barley wine. If you do not want to regret, please taste them.

1: remenber to take suncream(protect you from ultraviolet rays)
2: remember to take raincoat, sunglasses, cap
3: conventional medicines such as band-aid, cold cure or antidiarrheal drugs. Besides, vitamin and Rhodiola rosea are also good choice. They are effctive to cure altitude sickness.

Friday, May 4, 2012

SuZhou Gardens
SuZhou Gardens refer to the landscape architecture in SuZhou City. Most of the gardens are private. SuZhou Gardens were started in BC.514, shaped in Song Dynasty and became mature in Ming Dynasty, finally prosperous in Qing Dynasty. At the end of Qing Dynasty, there were over 170 gardens in SuZhou City. Nowadays,the number of preserved gardens is 60. Among these 60 gardens, only 19 gardens are available to tourists. Although the proportion is not big, the significance is deep. Ancient architect used special method to make full use of the limit room to decorate the garden. Once you move your step, you will find another totally different view. SuZhou Garden is a pride of China. In 1997, it was recorded to ‘World Heritage List' .
SuZhou Garden collects variable function as one. It can be visited, lived and appreciated. The reason why ancient people build SuZhou Garden was because SuZhou Gardens were built in the place which lack of natural view and with high population density. People there were still pursued the harmony with the nature. As a result, many rich man contribute the capital and started to build SuZhou Gardens to satisfy their aspirations. No matter the excogitation, conception, distribution,or the appreciation of the beauty, even the building technology showed the art achievement at that moment.
One of the most important features is that it is not only a product of ancient culture, but also a media which contained the traditional ideology. When you visit in SuZhou Gardens, you will see many works of art. They contains huge amount of history, culture and ideology information. Besides, these art works reflect philosophy, Confucianism and Taoism perceptions. Many poets and calligraphers stayed here, combined the view and the atmosphere, they created many art works. Many of the works were still kept in SuZhou Gardens.

Recommend Route:
Go to HangZhou Tourist Distribution Centre at 6:40am, take in the sightseeing bus -- Museum of ZheJiang Province change bus -- Lion Forest(30RMB) -- PanMen Scenic Spot(48RMB) -- Lotus Root Garden(35RMB including lunch) -- Gusu river visiting(45RMB) -- HanShan Temple(20RMB) -- Tiget hill(60RMB) -- Go back to HangZhou City

1.Child under 1.2m is free. Old man over 70 can get half price ticket via passport or other credentials.
2.The scenic spots will change if the traffic, climate or the amount of reception involve the tour.
3.Safety first, taking care of old man and children.
4.Tourists can change the order of the scenic spots.
5.If tourists give up the tour in mid-way, the travel agency will not refund.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

West Lake
West Lake is located at the west of HangZhou, ZheJiang Province. It is famous for its beauteous lake and mountain and historical remains in global scale. Also, it is one of the most popular scenic spot in China. In China, it is named as an earthly paradise. In June,2011, West was listed into ‘World Heritage List’. This is the only cultural heritage in lake class which listed in 'World Heritage List'.

West Lake is in centre of HangZhou City. It is surrounded by three mountains. The West Lake covers about 6.5 square kilometres. The length from north to south is about 3.2 km, 2.8km from east to west. The circumference of the lake is 15km. The depth of the lake on average is 2.27 meters. The water capacity is about 14.27 million cubic meters.
West Lakes can be induced as one montain,two dams, three islands and 10 views.
One mountain refers to Single Mountain. It is located in the north of West Lake. The elevation of it is 35m high. On the Single Mountain, there are ZhongShan Park, Museum of ZheJiang Province, XiLing Seal Association,Crane Kiosk and QiuJin' grave who was a hero in China. ZhongShan Park is former imperial garden in Qing Dynasty palace.In the year 1972, in order to commemorate MR.SunZhongShan, so the Park named ‘ZhongShan Park’. The Museum of ZheJiang Province is at the southern foot of Single Mountain. Now, there are over 100 thousand historical relics in it, it opens to visitors for free. In this mountain, there is an old restaurant which is famous the West Lake vinegar fish. Due to the fish grows in West Lake, the quality and the tasty is first class.

Two dams refer to White dam and Su dam. White damconnect to the Single Mountain, it is over 1km long. It is the best place to explore the whole view of West Lake. Su dam is at the north foot of  NanPing Mountain. Su dam is 2797 meters long, 30-40 meters wide. There are 6 arch bridges on the Su dam, they are very interest.

Three islands are located at the middle of West Lake. There are several kiosks on the islands. Most of the people carry out activities there such as free captive animals or appreciating the moon on mid autumn festival on the island.

In addition, the natural resource of West Lake is very rich. Most water area in West Lake is full of nutrition. The water temperature on average is 17.6 degree. Due to the environment is so suitable for growing fish. As a result, there are 51 kinds of fishes in West Lakes, also, fish become the most popular dish in ZheJiang Province.

Special activities - West Lake Lantern Show
On every Lantern Festival, many people gather together. Tourists can see many people sitting on the boat and floating on the river and looking at the shows such as Martial art show, lantern puzzles, night view and Lotus Lanterns.

Visiting Route:
YongJin Door -- LiuLangWenYin Park -- Roma Plaza -- TangYun Art Gallery -- Leifeng Tower -- Su dam -- Yue Temple -- WuSong Grave --XiLing Bridge -- The Children's Palace -- YongJin Door
If you see the sightseeing bus, just wave your hands, the bus will stop. You can buy the ticket on the bus.

The price of the ticket is 40RMB(4 pound) per person for the whole tour, 10RMB(1 pound) for people who do not get the whole tour. If you want to charter the bus, it will cost you 390RMB (39 pound) per hour.

There are many hotel near West Lake. The price is from 200 - 500RMB (20 - 50pound) per night. Here offer you a website to booking the hotel.

West Lake Dragon Well Tea
Dragon Well tea is the best tea in China. It is green tea. Dragon Well tea has many functions. It can help digestion, lose weight, reduce fatigue,prevent cavities and etc.
West Lake Vinegar Fish
West Lake vinegar fish is a local traditional dish. Before cooking it, the fish will stay in the cage for one or two days to let the fish excrete the sundries and remove its mud smell. After that, while cooking, the requirement is very strict, especial the degree of heating. The duration is 3-4 minutes. After cooking, poor the vinegar sauce on it. It is really delicious.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tenglong Mountain
Tenglong Mountain scenic spot is located at the North of PingShan County Town, which is in HeBei Province. It is 25KM away from the PingShan County Town, and 50Km away from Province capital ShiJiaZhuang City. The traffic is very convenient. Tenglong Mountain is a comprehensive scenic spot. It is consist of geological landscape, forest zoology and cultural historical landscape. In addition, it is one of the rarest surface land nucleus scenic spot in global scale. It covers 8 square kilometers. Among all the scenic spots in Tenglong Mountain, the red canyon, green air grassland, TengHai forest and the cloud sea are the most beautiful. Due to the such complicated structure, in the second world war, they were called ‘HeBei Fortress’ and ‘Entrenchment’. In this area, there are 3 canyon, 8 rivers, 32 pools, 13 peaks. 59 bizarre stones, with the sunrise, sunset and the evening glow, it becomes much attractive.

Here recommend visitors 2 routes.
  1. Humanity visiting route: Emerald Canyon -- Saddle Ridge -- West Peak
  2. Road Trip : Shijiazhuang City -- ShiYan Highway -- Iron Highway -- Nandian Village -- Wanzi Village

Opening time: 7:00 - 18:00
Ticker price: 50RMB (5 Pound)
Special policy: Children under 1.2m or old man over 70 are free

Hotel: Tourists can find hotel in the scenic spot, the service and it is quite cheap. Each person cost 64RMB for a normal room. Tourists can also choose to live in village. The price will be 25RMB - 35RMB. (Not including board wages) The village will offer local food all day. There are fried dumping, hotchpotch, bacon noodle, flapjack and etc.

Big Jujube:Big Jujube is sweet and crisp. The sugar content is very high, it is over 62% -70%. Every 100g Big Jujube contain 300 - 600mg vitamin, the vitamin is 140 times much than pears and 69 times much than apples.
HeBei preserved egg: The method that produce Hebei preserved egg has 100 years history.  It is one of the most popular traditional food in China. If you peel the shell, you will find that the egg like an amber. The yolk is dark green or multicolour. It is tasty and helps your digestion.

Tips: 1.Remember to take sun cream and raincoat or umbrella.
      2.Wear sportsware will let you have a better experience.
      3.Tourists can sequencing the order of the scenic spot.